You Need a Partner Not an Agency

As your partner our goal is to help you beat your competition so you can look good at your next staff meeting.



We monitor trends to ensure you are always getting fresh strategies


Comprehensive Service

A full spectrum of digital
marketing experience



Learn how our actions link
to your bottom line

Need a Better Marketing Solution?

Many of our clients come to us because they feel like they wasted time or money with past campaigns and agencies. Some might even say extreme things like, “Facebook ads just don’t work for my business.” When we ask them why they feel this way, they tell us how the agency they used never explained their processes, didn’t proactively bring new ideas to the table or even explain how marketing activities would be tracked & reported back to bottom-line results.

Working with an agency shouldn’t be this way.

At Clicks and Clients, we believe the only way to truly get more sales from your digital marketing efforts is through partnership and transparency.

We know how confusing digital marketing can be and we take pride in helping our clients increase their online sales AND their knowledge of the industry. We help you through the specifics because we know you have to report results to stakeholders like CEOs, Investors and you want to shine.

Starting with our discovery call, together we’ll develop a plan specifically tailored to not just meet your business goals, but a plan that will directly link our activities to your bottom line.

The simple truth is, we care about your business as much as you do. Your business is more complex than just digital marketing, so you need someone that understands the big picture and all the moving parts that go into a successful partnership.

If you’re ready to beat your competition, click the button below and schedule your Discovery Call today.

3 Steps to Getting More Sales in the Next 90 days


Develop Plan

Together we'll identify opportunities and craft a plan tailored for you


Discovery Call

Let's talk about your business goals and see if we're a good fit


Develop Plan

Together we'll identify opportunities and craft a plan tailored for you


Partner and Grow

With regular updates, we'll keep you informed on our actions and results

The Cost of Choosing the Wrong Agency

Digital marketing is complex. These complexities can make it seem like a lot of fluff with some snake oil mixed in. Add to that the technical jargon and the alphabet soup of acronyms and it doesn't make it any easier.

There are a lot of moving parts in digital marketing and unfortunately, some agencies take advantage of this. Others hide behind it, sending reports that talk about impressions and clicks, but never addressing bottom line results. Perhaps you’ve used one in the past or at least felt like you did.

To most, digital marketing is already enough of a mystery without having to deal with the hidden or “proprietary” processes of some agencies. Often it’s grossly oversimplified. The siren song of hitting the easy button can be seductive. Or it’s overly complex leaving you feel confused and frustrated. It just shouldn’t be that way.

At Clicks and Clients, we’ve made digital marketing complexities our life’s mission and your success, our life’s work. We pride ourselves not only on your success but in our ability to elevate your expertise and boost your confidence along the way.

When choosing an agency, we know there’s more at stake than just the monetary aspect of your investment. That’s why we start every Discovery Call learning about your business goals and objectives because we know the costs that come from choosing the wrong agency.

If you’re ready to beat your competition, click the button below and schedule your Discovery Call today.

How Do You Want to Increase Your Sales?

PPC Management

Maximize your returns from
Google AdWords and Bing PPC

Search Engine

Increase your organic traffic,
leads and sales

Facebook Advertising

Generate sales & leads while
users are scrolling

Conversion Rate Optimization

Understand user behavior and
capitalize on their engagement


Creative Services

Create websites that turn
visitors into customers