The Company, Clicks and Clients (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), has made every effort to accurately and fairly represent the services (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”) it offers as described on its Website, (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”).
All efforts have further been made to accurately and fairly represent the past results of such Services. However, there is neither a guarantee nor a warranty of any kind, express or implied, that you will experience the same or similar results by purchasing the Services found on the Website. Similarly, there is no guarantee or warranty of any kind, express or implied, that the Company’s Services will result in you earning any money whatsoever.
The earning potential of any service mentioned on the Website is accurately portrayed, but actual earnings vary from person to person and results rely entirely on the manner in which the Services are used, the company or individual that the Services are used for and other intangible factors.
Similarly, any testimonials or examples of earnings given on the Website consist of information reported to the Company by other users. Those users are completely responsible for the veracity of those statements. Further, the testimonials and examples of earnings are not necessarily typical. There is no guarantee that you may experience the success using the Information provided on the Website. They should not be relied upon as being indicative of the results obtained by all users, nor should they be relied upon as being any indication of your potential success in using the Information.
Any specific claims made by the Company on the Website may be verified upon written request to the Company.
The Website and/or the Information may contain “forward looking statements” which fall within the definition provided by the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. A forward looking statement forecasts or indicates expectations based on future events. These statements can be easily identified in that they do not relate to current or historical fact and that they use words including, but not limited to, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “project” and other words and terms with similar meanings in connection with descriptions of potential earnings or financial performance in the future. Any and all such statements made on the Website or linked to or from on other websites are solely intended to express an OPINION of the Company as to earnings potential and should not be relied upon as fact.
A variety of factors are important in determining your individual results including, but not limited to, those mentioned herein. The is NO guarantee that your results in using the Services will be similar to anyone else’s results nor is there any guarantee that you will achieve any results at all from the Services.