Category: Digital Marketing

Know Your Data and Your Limitations

Thanks to powerful data analytics, digital marketers are sitting on millions of pieces of data. It only takes seconds to pull together data from multiple sources and compile them into a real-time picture of what’s happening. However, to get the most out of this automated…

5 Digital Marketing Channels You’re Underusing

Digital marketing has evolved quite a bit from its early days. Now, there are a multitude of platforms that can be utilized for digital marketing. These different channels can help digital marketers with finding new leads and audiences. Here are five different channels that you…

A Guide to Holiday Chat Marketing

I guess I inadvertently created a holiday marketing series. Chatbots are becoming more of a necessity for businesses, especially during the holiday season.  What is chat marketing? Chat marketing is a type of marketing that uses chatbots. A chatbot is a type of software that…

How to Make the Most of Your Videos

The usage of video in advertisements has become the post prominent way to increase CTR. Think about it like this, when you see a post with no video or a very small visual you are engaged with it for less than three seconds. When you…